How does DDoS attack work and what is it?

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is an effective and simple technique powered by bad digital habits and insecure devices. These are troubling the cyber security today for its exceptionally difficult to manage and prevention to the devices. DDoS has the ability to harm any data and website of the users without thinking that how big or small it is. 

Let’s do an experiment with some great imagination: Suppose you are driving on a highway to get to work and there are other cars as well and due to little bit of traffic everything is moving crisp and smoothly with a defined speed limit. Gradually, more cars join due to the reason traffic has started to crawl. DDoS attack is almost the same, it is a method where cybercriminals flood a network with traffic and make it unable to communicate or operate as it normally would.

Creating a DDoS attack is simpler than preventing it. To create a DDoS attack one require two devices that coordinates to send fake traffic on a website or server. For example, let’s take your phone and laptop forms their own DDoS network also known as botnet sometimes, if you (referred as a cybercriminal here) programmed them to cooperate. These two devices are not enough to bring the server and website down, no matter how dedicatedly and powerfully they are attacking, whereas thousands and hundreds of devices can do it in no time. 

To get the network of that size cybercriminals create “botnet”, a network of compromised devices that coordinate with each other to achieve some task. In a DDoS attack neither botnet always use and nor it is required the DDoS to have a botnet to work, but oftenly they both goes together. To spread the malware and downloading malicious file cybercriminals create botnets with the sole purpose to trick the users. 

But do you think that malware is the only means of recruiting devices. Of course not, a cybercriminal scans the internet for connected devices and access the password; a good deal between the companies and a bad practice of password can be a reason of it. Once the cybercriminal logged into your device it becomes easily for him to infect it and steal the sensitive information. 

Cyber army stays inactive for quite a time as they needs order to act before. This is where C2 command and control server comes in the picture. When instructed the cybercriminals order a C2 server to raise the instructions to compromised devices. Such devices then send the fake traffic to the targeted website or server and DDoS attack is born.

DDoS attacks are mainly successful due to its distributed nature and hindrance for discerning within the fake traffic. DDoS attacks usually occur against the service and company. As it has mentioned earlier that DDoS attacks can only be successful when devices are easily compromised, so what can we do in prevention. Here are few points to know how to prevent your device from participating in a DDoS attacks.

Secure your router: We all know that the Wi-Fi router is the gateway of our network; hence it is necessary to secure it by changing the default password. If you have already given these instructions and are not sure about how to do this, then take the help of either internet or directly call the manufacturer. Protect your router by with McAfee Security that will prevent and manage your network settings. 

On IoT devices change the default passwords: Several IoT (internet of things) devices that connect with the internet to increase the efficiency and functionality available with default passwords and usernames. Hence, the first thing you do is to change the default credentials. If you are unable to change the default setting on your own then do some online research, take online technical support or refer to setup instructions. 

Use the comprehensive security: Without any built-in security various botnet are created on devices. Comprehensive security support such as McAfee helps your device to protect from malware and phishing threats. To get the suite for your device purchase it online or you can also coordinate with McAfee online customer support to take the assistance.

Maria Silvia is working with Help-Number since years, as a technical writer. Her experience in writing enabled her to bring new details and news in front of the readers. Her versatility enables her to bring new article, blog and discussion in front of the readers from a wide range of topics like McAfee Support, Norton Support, Webroot Support, Kaspersky Support etc.
